Consent to the processing of personal data for site visitors
By continuing to use the site and subscribing to news, I give my consent to CoolConnections LLC (Registered address 121099, Moscow, Novy Arbat Street, 30/9, room 2H) for automatic processing of my personal data (information about user activity on the site, information about user equipment, date and time of session), including using Yandex Metric and Google Analytics metric programs, with the following actions: collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (update, change), extraction, use, depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction, transfer (provision, access), including cross-border, to Yandex and Google partners that provide services using the above metric programs.
Processing of personal data is carried out for the purpose of improving the site, improving the products and services of CoolConnections LLC, determining user preferences, providing targeted information on products and services of CoolConnections LLC and its partners.
This consent is valid from the moment of its provision and throughout the entire period of use of the site.
In case of refusal of the processing of personal data by the metrics programs, I am informed to stop using it.
For questions relating to the processing of personal data please contact us by email: